Carolina Southern Division 12 - Mid Eastern Region - NMRA

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2009 Annual Meeting Report

Prior to the 2009 Annual Meeting, we took a pre-opening tour of the Charlotte Trolley Powerhouse Museum. Some of MMR Fred Miller's masterful trolley modules are on permanent display, along with some vintage and reproduction 1:1 trolleys. Nobody remembered to bring a camera, so we don't have any photos to show. However, photos of Fred's modules are on his webpage at: .

Our meeting was held after lunch at Jillian's in Charlotte. Nice place, good food, quick meeting. Some of the highlights were:

Fred Miller was re-elected to the Board of Directors and Joe Howard was elected as Assistant Superintendent.


The Treasurer reported we are still solvent, but with expenses being greater than income for the year.

Plans for the RMU were discussed, along with advance planning for the Division to sponsor a multi-layout Operations Weekend during the fall.

Initial authorization was granted for our Division to pick up sponsorship from the MER of the Jim Teese Award for the model with the highest score from a new modeler at the National Convention.

The Board of Directors presented their resolution of thanks for service to the Division by former Superintendent Rick Knight.

Everybody forgot their cameras, so we have no photos of the meeting to post.

This site is ©2002 through 2019 (inclusive) by the Carolina Southern Division. This page was last updated on Friday, February 08, 2019
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