csdlogo         Welcome to our Website         csdlogo

This is a starting point for your journey into and through the wonderful world of model railroading. While we may not have all the answers here, we have links to many other places where you can find incredible information about our hobby.
Whether you are a beginner with your first train set, or a more experienced modeler looking for new tricks, tips, and techniques, we invite you to browse through our pages using the easy-to-use menus at the top of this page (and all our site's pages).
Our calendar of events lets you see model railroading events within and near our area in North and South Carolina. Most of these events are open to visitors and the public in general and you are invited to contact the sponsors to arrange a visit.
Let us know if there are other ways we can help you enjoy your hobby.

Wecome aboard. We know you will enjoy   The World's Greatest Hobby.

new          The March Brass Pounder has been posted    new
Please click on the link below to see
the current edition

         Where are we located?    
Click here to see where our borders are and which counties are included

There will not be a CSD Club meeting in April
however the 23rd annual Hickory Train Show
 will take place on April 4th and 5th.
Details can be found here

Have Trains?? Nowhere to run them??
Check out the club links on this page.

 Train Town Volunteer Hosts Needed

     Please support this important Division program
More information is at this link.


For more information about Wade's Train Town click here


Take a look at our links to some of the   
 area model railroad suppliers located in our division  

Click here for a link to our supplier page

       NOTE: Links to the latest NMRA E-Bulletin and NMRA Turntable are now available in the "Members Only" section of the NMRA Website. Just log in and look under the heading "Publications". If you are an NMRA member and cannot log in, go to this link.    
signal     Check out our custom hats and shirts at this link     signal
We now have CSD Name badges available!